I went ahead and bought myself a pressure cooker the other day, and even though I am terrified of them, I really enjoyed the results. I made some Rajma using the recipe I found on Show me the Curry. It turned out to be the best Rajma I ever tasted. The only thing I changed was the cooking time. I couldn't measure in whistles, so I had to come up with a time of my own. It only took me 5 minutes after the cooker reached full pressure to cook the beans. I had read different times in different recipes, so I decided to start with the least amount of time, and work my way up. I think I will stick with this particular recipe for a long time, as I really enjoyed it and it was the taste I've been looking for.
15 hours ago
The pressure cooker is always fun and really depend if it is low flame or high flame ... (high flame whistle came out often -low flame came out in many intervals)... But very useful ustensil for Indian cooking, every home should or must have it :)
Good Radjma curry
You know I too am afraid of a pressure cooker but you overcame your fear and made such a tasty curry dish. Maybe this will change my mind because like your example, I should take that chance!
A small suprise waiting for you dear.Click on the link to follow Award Time
The indian pressure cookers ae with whistles, the ones we have don't have them. So i too just cook them according to it.
I love rajma and this looks yumm
hey lovely rajma dear...keep the cooker on high flame till ur 1st whistle and after tht cook only on low flame.n freeze ur gaskette after use.
~ Hi, Cham, I didn't know that the American versions didn't whistle until I bought it, so I had to modify the recipe... either way, it still made scary noises :)) I have been around the whistling ones, they make me want to jump under a table! Either way, I'm going to use it from now on :)
~ Hi, Nazarina! I guess at some point, when it doesn't explode all over me, I will get over it completely :) There are so many safety valves all over, I guess it can't really explode. Thanks for stopping by :)
~ Thanks, Kitchen flavours!!!
~ Thanks, Happy cook!
~ Hi, Anjum... Unfortunately the cookers we get here don't whistle at all. Thanks for stopping by!
Me too was terrified to use a pressure cooker those days!.:)..but slowly got used to him and once that we are friends..I cannot stay away form him even for a day!..too dependent LOL :D..
Hope you too would befriend him soon :)as you try out almost all the Indian curries!..
Nice to see you with Rajma gravy!..you amaze me with every post of yours!
~ Awwww, thanks, Bharathy :) I can tell that the pressure cooker and I are going to be great friends!
Oh I cannot do anything without my pressure cooker, it is as if I am handicapped, when it is not there in the kitchen, especially when I
am making somethig with mutton or, daaals...I know after some time even you willbe inseparable from it!
your Rajma looks rally awesome!
Wait you don't use whistle cooking times? Haha just kidding :) I would have no idea either. I just think it's cool to cook things in record time... 5 minutes, whew that's quick :)
thank you for visiting our blog! i have a pan pressure cooker - never whistles - you can only hear and gauge the pressure building :)
rajma looks so delicious Meeso! Nice color. I am planning to buy an american pressure cooker, now I have to think...if it don't whistle how?
Pressure cookers do look daunting and can be dangerous but are such timesavers!
Rajma looks great... :)
Nice one meeso..Rajma is anytime.
I guess its the loud whistle of the pressure cooker which intimidates most of us from buying a PC. I'm glad i grew up listing its whistle and have 3 fully functional PCs:),one can figure from that how often i cook lentils and legumes.
Rajma on Rice is a fulfilling meal,its making me hungry :)
oops.. i mean listening not listing;)
~ Hi, Syeda... I imagine I will love it for boiling potatoes and cooking beans, and anything that really takes a lot of my time. Thanks for stopping by :)
~ Hi, Adam! It was awesome to cook a bean in 5 minutes! I doubt I'll be buying canned beans very often from now on. The only downside (besides beings scared) is all the things to clean on the cooker :)
~ Hi, Lakshmi, Thanks for stopping by :)
~ Hi, Uma... The first pressure cooker I saw in use was a whistler, so I had expected mine to do that too, it wasn't until I was reading the directions I found out it didn't work the same way :( I guess it comes down to knowing your cooker, and trial and error to see how long to cook the foods.
~ Hi, Laavanya... Don't tell me they are dangerous, just keep saying it's perfectly safe to use :D
~ Thanks, Vanamala!
~ Hi, Yasmeen... You should see me when I'm around a pressure cooker that whistles, I literally jump out of my skin every time :D
Hi, there is a surprise for u in my blog!
Rajma and Rice is pure comfort! Congrats on the pressure cooker..you'll love it..makes life so much easier.
the spice who loved me
~ Thanks, Aartee and Trupti :)
looks perfect dear..nice colour tooo...ur profile pic is sooooo beautiful...
preassure cooker is one really utensil in the kitchen..it saves up so much time and effort...rajma looks really delicious...its great with rice...good one:)
No one can resist Meeso this one. My post is still waiting in my folder. I love this beans in any form. Viji
Suprise Weekend Bonanza waiting for you.
~ Thanks, Rajesh, Ranji, Viji, & Kitchen Flavors!
Dear Meeso I have a surprise for you in my blog,please check back in leisure:)
I have not used a pressure cooker cooker yet. They sound like a nice time saver. I am going to have to try rajma as well.
~ Thank you so much, Yasmeen :)
~ Hi Kevin, Rajma is definitely worth a try, and it looks like you enjoy Indian food, so I would certainly recommend it :) I've made these dishes without a pressure cooker for many years, but it certainly saves time using one. Thanks for stopping by!!!
Rajma on rice looks perfect...
rajma is a great comfort food anytime!!
hi meeso, thanks for visiting my blog.. u have amazing dishes in ur blog. rajma looks sooooo tempting.. that i am planning to make it tomorrow. lovely collection..
~ Thanks, Usha and Sharmi!
~ Thanks, Mahimaa... I'm glad you stopped by :)
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