The only good thing about Winter... being able to turn on my oven again and start baking!!! I have been waiting for Pumpkin & Pecan Pie's...Breads of all sorts...Cakes, Cookies & Brownies!!! Apple Crisp! Apple Pie! There are so few days during the summer that I dare turn on the oven and they are few and far between...not to mention, It's not even as satisfying baking in the summer because I can't escape the cold by going into the warm kitchen :D Anyway, aren't some foods just better enjoyed when It's cold and snowy outside???

~ Parents spend the first part of a child's life urging him to walk and talk, and the rest of the childhood making him sit down and be quiet ~


Creativecook said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Loved the comment on kids. So True!

Viji said...

Where is the apple crumble Meeso? Viji

Dori said...

LOL...I would have had to list all day to mention all the warm apple desserts I love so much :)