Chemistry Of Cooking

A Biochemist Explains The Chemistry Of Cooking

January 1, 2009 — A biochemist and cook explains that cooking is all about chemistry and knowing some facts can help chefs understand why recipes go wrong. Because cooking is essentially a series of chemical reactions, it is helpful to know some basics. For example, plunging asparagus into boiling water causes the cells to pop and result in a brighter green. Longer cooking, however, causes the plant's cell walls to shrink and releases an acid. This turns the asparagus an unappetizing shade of grey.


Priya Suresh said...

Without these sort of small tips, cooking is never complete..

Preeti Kashyap said...

So true... These basics are necessary to get edible, yumm and healthy food on one's plate.

Deepthi Shankar said...

basics are very necessary isn't it?

Usha said...

Meeso...good informative article,Thanks for sharing...having better vision about chemistry aspect of cooking will definitely make us more Sensible cook and help us create enriched,nourishing dishes. :)


Chitra said...

thanks for sharing. i love learning about this stuff. i actually just took a cooking class a few months back from a lady who was a scientist and it really gave another dimension of learning to the whole experience.

Renuka Bedre - Rao said...

so informative article! Thanks for sharing dear!