I absolutely love meat, I don't need to eat it everyday, but I can really enjoy a good dish of lamb, beef, chicken, or fish! My daughter is the same, she loves it like crazy. My bf, on the other hand, is a chickatarian (self-claimed vegetarian who eats chicken, go figure) who will be moving here in six months. I am thinking of all my favorite lamb and beef dishes that can be modified (I am still trying to get him to eat fish, considering he will eat the sauce in Thai) so I can still make them regularly. I decided to try Rogan Josh using chicken, and it turned out quite well, though I have to say not quite the same without lamb. I used an instant spice mix from Shan just to try it out... next time I will make it without the masala mix as I'm sure it will taste even better than this batch. I will still cook lamb every once in awhile, but I wanna share the similar flavor of these dishes with him as I enjoy them so much! How can a guy turn your world so upside down, so effortlessly?
3 hours ago
Isn't Rogan josh the best? I use mutton to make rogan josh, but since it is not that easily available, we rarely get to enjoy it. I should try it with chicken sometimes.
The two times that I bought Shaan spices, I found them too strong, overpowering all other flavors. Nice idea to sub lamb with chicken. Your daughter is beautiful, btw :)
~ Soma, I wish I could find mutton so I wouldn't have to eat lamb, considering It's a baby and I do feel a lil guilty for that :(
~ Thanks, Vani :) Shan is definitely a bit saltier than I prefer, and of course, I'm never overly impressed by prepackaged spices, but It was very easy for me to try on a weeknight when I was lazy and tired.
Cooking chicken is much easier for me than mutton. Generally I use goat, but that also takes a lot of time to get cooked:(
Btw, the curry and roti with rice seems inviting dear.
we make chicken most of the times, but yes, there is nothing to beat the taste of mutton/lamb!!
I prefer chicken to mutton. Havent tasted lamb dishes..
We love Rogan josh with naan ,chicken should be equally delish with all the spices:)
Hmm chicken meat is more tender when compared to lamb/mutton...Lamb will take more time to cook than chicken so the flavours blends fully....btw that is a delectable thali to me...pass on....
I love rogajosh too, but as i prefer chicken i make them with chicken too.
Your daughter is truning in each picture you post more beautiful. She looks lovely.
My nephew is a vegetarian and when he came here i had a tough time making alwayus veg indian food but then the fun part is he eats hamburgers from Macdonalds and he says that is not meat :-)
He was 10 then.
~ Thanks, Viki... Chicken is definitely easier to cook!
~ Very true, Aquadaze!
~ I could eat lamb daily, Divya, but It's so expensive and I feel lil bad for eating a young animal :(
~ I would have loved some naan, Yasmeen, but was too lazy to wait :D The chicken was tasty!
~ Thanks, Kitchen... I would definitely share :)
~ Thanks, Happy... It's so funny your nephew will eat McDonald's burgers, kid can be so hilarious :)
May i know, do you ( u as in you ppl in USA) have chicken most of the time in your food?
What do you have in Veg food ?
~ Closeguy, I can't speak for everybody here in the USA as some people eat all meats, some avoid red meats, some avoid pork, others r vegetarian or vegan, there are a lot of different diets followed by different people here. As far as vegetarian food goes, I think people eat from cuisines all over the world, or have adapted foods and made their own recipes. I suppose traditionally veggies are eaten on the side with meat as a main dish, and I imagine it depends on location, what is available and what someone can afford. Hope that helps.
OMG look at that plater hummmmm so inviting ha ha my hubby is drooling over the pic. here.I am a vegetarian but I cook chicken and fish for him (he likes chicken and fish) so beautiful color and nice gravy will surely try this for him. and those rotis look s so soft totally ummm looks yummmy dear.
~ Thanks, Rekha :)
It's the first time I heard of this dish and it looks really delicious.
Madam, from what I am picking up from this blog, your bf is a South Indian Brahmin
SIBs while very intelligent are also very orthodox, and are strict vegetarians. Fish, Chicken or meat is not allowed inside the house
I do know that when arranged marriages are made in this caste
They do check if everyone in the extended family is a vegetarian, else the proposal is dropped
"Anonymous" I will take whatever you say more seriously if you would share with me who you are...
Whatever my boyfriends family may be, I know my bf, I've fed my bf and he eats chicken... I'm not sure if you've ever met somebody who actually DOESN'T follow what their families traditions are, but they are out there! Believe me, I already heard about his mom's reaction when she found eggs in his refrigerator.
As far as the arranged marriage goes...when he's married, there will be no one else to arrange a marriage for, so no problems there.
I am who I am, he is who he is, we are together, we are happy, and the rest of the world will somehow go on... EVEN if we eat chicken!
I notice you must be following my blog quite closely to have picked up so much, AND to feel you needed to share your two cents... kindly share who you are if you would like to be taken seriously.
Dear Anonymous
Thanks for your concern and in depth insight on the SIBs and their culture..Meeso knows more about indian culture and food than any indian born in India that it will put them all to shame..With that said, I can point out so many SIBs who drink and eat meat. Like meeso said, we could take you seriously if you did not "chicken" out without listing your name..Esp reading your comment you sound more a creepy blog stalker than someone who has something good to say about :)...
I am guessing u r a SIB from your detailed description of their culture..I am who I am and you got your life to live-so please live that to the fullest instead of telling others how to live..
Madam's SIB
Meeso, sorry to see such an ignorant comment. I can say as a South Indian Brahmin whose parents came to America 40 years ago, I don't follow all the practices of my family. Hell I married a white guy. Luckily my family is very accepting (even those in India) of my lifestyle, my husband and food habits. Sounds like your inlaws are too. good for you.
Mr or Mrs Anonymous only knows strict orthodox and vegetarian I guess. I do have many SIB friends drink, eat, cook fish, chicken, lamb at home!
We should know why this anonymous person is so concern....
Meeso:Good that u made us know!
Hi Meeso -
I have SIB friends who never ate meat while in India, things changed once they came to US and even their parents dont mind it. Forget about such dumb comments. If you both are happy that's all it counts, I would say just disregard such nosy comments.
I follow your blog and always admire the way you take time to follow Indian recipes, had I been in your place, I dont think I would have done that. I have great admiration for you.
- Karthika
That's a laugh - Many of my best friends are "SIBs" who eat anything that walks or crawls....and they haven't even left Chennai, let alone India. So Anonymous, put your concerns to rest - there are *some* Indian males who can make their own decisions without holding on to apron strings!
Honey, YOU GO GIRL! That's what I love about you - honest, open and real.
~ Thanks, everyone :)
~ Hahaha, Thanks Jaden :)
Dear Meeso,
You have reacted to it, correctly.
I wish people grow up. Its just a food.
Most of my relatives(SIB) eat meat, chicken, fish and drink in the restaurants while in India. In US, their sons and daughters are actully cleaning, cooking and enjoying meat in the house. Even older orthodox relatives are aware of the fact, no one raised quetion so far.
I admire your culinary skills Meeso, put this behind you and keep going.
Hey meeso, first time here and loving your blog. Like 'Anonymous' here I am also a veggie yet I am sorry they felt compelled to leave such a dictating comment on your post. You have some lovely recipes which could easily be adapted to my veggie diet so I will defo be visiting you often! Keep up the fantastic work!
Sanjana from KO Rasoi
~ Thanks Malar and Sanjana :)
I have a word for Mr.Anonymous!..
Do you mean to say all SIB's are vegetarians??I know a bunch of my frinds out there relishing Fish or chicken or even Beef!!
...of course they are intelligent ;)..particularly he SIB who chose right, Meeso to be his "love of the life"..who cooks Indian(well, thats not a easy job!)..as homely to make him happy in everyway!..why cant you stop a moment to appreciate this!!!!!
~ Awwww.... Thanks, Bharathy :)
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