I've been feeling pretty blah lately, and my dinners have been showing it. Here's a picture of some completely mediocre chicken fingers, and some very boring sides. That's how I feel, so that's the food I cook. I think I'm getting really tired of cooking for myself and my daughter most of the times, and I don't really like the kitchen in my new apartment. It's an isolated feeling when I go into the kitchen, and even then, to just bring the food for my daughter and I to eat alone. Sometimes, even she is busy somewhere, and I have to save the food for her and I eat alone. I definitely don't want to do this for much longer.
4 hours ago
Sounds you are low key Meeso! I like ur mediocre chicken and side dish too.
Wish You a Wonderful Mother's Day!
I know what you mean...food can be a wonderful (and sometimes awful!) reflection of our mood. I make the best dishes when I'm happy. But I hope you get used to your new kitchen!
I know, it sucks eating alone.. Don't worry though, this too shall pass :)
It always cheers me up to bake and share it with the neighbours - that way you don't have to eat all your own cooking and you get to see some new faces when you're alone. :)
Yup sometimes when alone - cooking and eating becomes such as 'blah' chore!! Cheer up dear, wish you zest in cooking soon! :-)
hey the food looks yum!!! cheer up meeso..spring is here and its mothers day!! happy one to you (((HUGS)))
Hi, the food looks yummmm.....wish u a wonderful mother's day!
It happens to me too. Best dishes are when I am in a good mood to cook.
Wish You A Happy Mothers day!!!
Uh-Oh! Cheer up Meeso!!Take your daughter to a park,go for a walk/movie, catch up with your friends,go for a haircut or a makeover ( haircuts r my lifesaver!! LOL)... I would sugegst a haircut.. that will actually get u back in full swing! :) Happy Mother's Day Meeso!!! :) Hope you have a cheerful one! :)
I too dislike eating alone.
Still i love youe chicken and the sides.
You feel blah and cook such perfect chick fingers(yes, I swear they are!)..may be the pic was shot lazily since in a blah mood...
..so how will your cooking be if in a good mood??..
This is surely a passing phase and keep posting..your cooking never reflects your mood, girl! :)..Cheer up!
Yeyeye!! I could do something to get a smile back on ur face ;) Thanks for visiting Meeso!! I really wished I could make one for you... :)Have a nice day!
hey meeso.........maybe you could tweak around your kitchen and eliminate stuff you dont like..........you take care...........
Meeso, I am new to your space here but I understand how a down feeling is sometimes and loneliness only makes things worse. Take a walk in the park or a swim if you are into swimming, always some back refreshed.
As for the platter looks delicious to me.
Cheer up girl, sometimes I get into this boring phase too.. but I'll say it will pass by fast too.. Enjoy the weather outside and get energized..
Happy Mother's Day!
I know how you feel. We were living in hotels for a year all over the world and just moved to our place two weeks ago. All that stuff on my blog I was baking in a toaster oven that I would have to move every time I used it and use a drop cord, lol. And their are no dishwashers here and really small sinks.
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